

Das Politische Zitate

damit das böse triumphiert... kofi annan Zitate, Sprüche zitate
damit das böse triumphiert... kofi annan Zitate, Sprüche zitate from

Das Politische Zitate: Understanding the Power of Political Quotes in Germany

Politics in Germany is often characterized by high-level debates and heated discussions on a wide range of issues. However, sometimes a single quote can capture the essence of a political moment or movement, shaping public opinion and influencing the course of history. In this article, we explore the power of political quotes in Germany, known as das politische zitate.

What is das politische zitate?

Das politische zitate refers to a memorable or significant statement made by a politician, activist, or other public figure that captures the essence of a political debate or moment. These quotes are often repeated, shared on social media, and become part of the public discourse.

One of the most famous examples of das politische zitate in Germany is "Wir schaffen das," or "We can do it," which was coined by Chancellor Angela Merkel during the refugee crisis in 2015. This quote became a rallying cry for supporters of Merkel's open-door policy and a target of criticism for her opponents.

The Power of Political Quotes

Political quotes have the power to shape public opinion, inspire action, and even change the course of history. They can capture the essence of a political moment or movement and resonate with people on a deep emotional level.

For example, the famous quote by former Chancellor Willy Brandt, "Wir wollen mehr Demokratie wagen," or "We want to dare more democracy," became a symbol of the social and political changes of the 1960s in Germany. This quote inspired a generation of activists and helped to usher in a new era of democracy and civil rights.

The Role of Political Quotes in the Digital Age

In the age of social media and digital communication, political quotes have become even more powerful. They can be shared instantly with millions of people around the world, shaping public opinion and influencing political debates.

However, this also means that political quotes can be taken out of context or used for propaganda purposes. It is important to carefully consider the source and meaning of a political quote before sharing it on social media or using it to support a particular agenda.

Comments from the Public

"I think das politische zitate are a powerful way to capture the essence of a political debate or moment. They can inspire people and help to shape public opinion." - Anna, Berlin

"Political quotes are often used for propaganda purposes, so it is important to be careful when sharing them on social media. We need to take the time to research the context and meaning of a quote before using it to support a particular agenda." - Klaus, Frankfurt


Das politische zitate are a powerful tool in political debates and have the ability to shape public opinion and influence the course of history. However, it is important to carefully consider the source and meaning of a political quote before using it to support a particular agenda or sharing it on social media.
