

Diettrich Bonhoeffer Zitate

The Cost of Baptized Discipleship Sermon, September 4, 2016 Pastor
The Cost of Baptized Discipleship Sermon, September 4, 2016 Pastor from

The Life and Legacy of Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Early Life

Dietrich Bonhoeffer was born in Breslau, Germany in 1906. His family was deeply religious and he grew up with a strong faith. He studied theology at the University of Berlin and later at Union Theological Seminary in New York City.

Resistance to the Nazis

During the rise of the Nazi party in Germany, Bonhoeffer became a vocal critic of the regime. He was a founding member of the Confessing Church, which opposed the Nazi-controlled German Evangelical Church. Bonhoeffer believed that Christians had a duty to resist evil, even if it meant breaking the law.

In 1939, Bonhoeffer returned to Germany from the United States. He was involved in several plots to assassinate Hitler and was eventually arrested by the Gestapo in 1943. He spent the rest of his life in prison and was executed just weeks before the end of the war in 1945.

Legacy and Influence

Bonhoeffer's writings have had a profound impact on Christian theology and ethics. He is best known for his concept of "cheap grace," which he believed was a major problem in the church. Bonhoeffer believed that true grace was costly and required sacrifice and obedience.

One of Bonhoeffer's most famous quotes is "When Christ calls a man, he bids him come and die." This idea of self-sacrifice and obedience to Christ has inspired many Christians over the years.

The Importance of Zitate

What are Zitate?

Zitate are short, memorable phrases or sayings that convey wisdom or insight. They are often used in speeches, books, and other forms of communication to emphasize a point or to inspire the audience.

The Power of Zitate

Zitate have the power to inspire, motivate, and challenge us. They can help us see things from a different perspective and give us the courage to take action.

One of Dietrich Bonhoeffer's most famous zitate is "The test of the morality of a society is what it does for its children." This quote reminds us of the importance of caring for the most vulnerable members of society.

Comments from Users

"I love using zitate in my speeches and presentations. They really help to engage the audience and make a point." - John D.

"Bonhoeffer's zitate are so powerful and thought-provoking. They always make me stop and think about my own life and actions." - Sarah M.


Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a remarkable man who stood up for his beliefs in the face of great adversity. His legacy continues to inspire Christians around the world today. Zitate, like those of Bonhoeffer, have the power to challenge us and inspire us to be better people. Let us take these words to heart and strive to make a difference in the world.
